The Honorary Collection of Misadventure
Ceramic, Books, 2017 Sometimes, you make mistakes; you lock yourself out of your apartment, you walk into a plate glass window while trying to check a cute guy out, or you electrocute your landlord twice. These things happen, and they're mortifying, and you wish they never had, and you hate yourself because they did. These trophies, honor those moments. They are moments of humiliation, of weakness, and of pain, but they're also moments of growth. Instead of trying to push those memories out of your mind, it's time to honor them. You wouldn't be who you are today, if it weren't for that time your mom had to come to a stranger's home and help you rake through their yard in search of the key you drunkenly lost at a party the night before. You are stronger. You are still imperfect, but you've grown. |